Insights and Advice for Enabling More Efficient and Sustainable Construction

The Key To Managing Digital Transformation In Construction

July 5, 2021
6 mins read

managing digital transformation

Digital transformation can improve efficiency by 40%. To stay ahead of the competition, construction companies should start digitising their operations today.

The entire construction industry is reshaping itself around technology. However, many construction companies feel intimidated about taking on new digital processes. They might be afraid that the technology will slow them down, add an element of confusion, or be the cause of an unnecessary expense.

But, with proper digital transformation management, contractors can vastly improve their processes. This affords them a greater competitive advantage.

Digital Transformation in Construction

The construction industry needs to keep up with the digital world. Managing digital transformation in construction covers more than simply introducing new software. The process should be a complete shift in the way businesses operate and approach projects.

Digital tools in construction can cover the following:

Digitalisation is the way forward in this industry, and it can benefit businesses in a big way.

Taking a digital approach will offer a strong platform for sustained growth within a business. Whether this is through data-enabled hardware, specialised construction software, or digital tools, this type of transformation will improve traditional construction processes.

Ultimately, contractors can work with a far greater level of efficiency and accuracy. This saves valuable resources and enhances the outcome of projects.

Managing Digital Transformation in Construction

Adopting a new digital approach offers serious benefits. But, the shift in processes can be a challenge for many construction businesses.

To make sure that you achieve the greatest advantages from adopting new technology, managing digital transformation in construction needs to be an efficient, organised procedure.

Using Web-Based Platforms

Construction and engineering industries work with an incredible amount of data. Transferring information between people can slow processes down during a project. Adopting web-based platforms helps construction businesses to stay up to date with real-time analysis. Cloud-based software offers global access. Consequently, users can contribute and access data at anytime from anywhere.

Using a fully integrated software solution helps to eliminate departmental silos and maximise workflows. This type of software can help to make all areas of construction management easier. It facilitates better, more effective communication and collaboration.

Using Built-for-Purpose Construction Software

It’s time to ditch Excel spreadsheets and start using fit-for-purpose construction software. Construction software gives you all the relevant tools, calculations, data, and industry-aligned information you need. With everything at your fingertips, you can enhance your work processes and operations.

Construction professionals can use software to automate time-consuming tasks. Automation of calculations also leads to more accurate results as it reduces the risk of human error.

For example, you could use a complete enterprise management system that integrates calculating costing, project accounting, and enterprise accounting for more effective construction management. Or, you could use tools designed just for construction estimation and quantity takeoffs.

Using built-for-purpose software allows you to:

  • More easily align your internal processes to industry best practices
  • Remove the risk of human error
  • Speed up processes
  • And improve the accuracy of your results.

Understanding the Value of Digital Approaches

One of the keys to managing digital transformation in construction is to make sure that everyone understands the value it brings to the business.

People will soon revert back to old systems if they do not truly understand the benefits of adopting a new digital approach.

Not only will you achieve better results going digital, but you will also streamline your work. It makes many processes faster and easier so that you may use your time better.

Having everybody in the team on the same page will help to drive digital transformation.

Enhancing the Flow of Information

A common challenge in construction is the flow of information during a project. There are various levels in the system, with data passing between many different people. Managing digital transformation effectively means improving this information flow for more seamless processes.

Digital tools can offer work in progress data that everyone can view and share. Taking on digital approaches allows everyone to communicate better and stay up to date with construction plans. This can help to eliminate bottlenecks and avoid project delays due to ineffective communication.


The way forward in the construction industry is digitalisation. This is something that will benefit all businesses in the long run.

For effective digitalisation, make sure that you use the right software and digital tools, as well as following the correct process of taking on a new digital-focused approach.

This complete industry shift can offer a competitive advantage to contractors. It can significantly improve the way that they work and enhance operational efficiency.

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